viernes, 25 de marzo de 2011

Comparing Blogs

Mykaella's ( "The whites gained thier freedom from taking away the Native Americans"): She talk about how the whites were taking the freedom to the indinas as the same for there culture.They wanted to make the indians as little model of them. I like Mykaella eassy it was an  eassy that espefici details and intrest you in some many ways. This part of the eassy ''The whites tried so much to change the Native Americans as a replica of themselves.''  was one of my favorite because in a may this show of cruel and selfish the whites were. they tried to change many persons in what they were and  didn't what they taugth or feel. This was to me a very impresive eassy and I really learned a lot from it.

Albert's(" Violence or self defense''):   His eassy was talking about how the indinas weretreated and how they were afected in many ways. This was good and very informative but it needed more of his opinion into the eassy. I leraned from this eassy but i could not find nothing intrigin or something that could have a favorite part of the eassy.

Yady's ( "Native Americans" ) :   Her eassy talk about many of the indiand culture and there way fo life  during that period of time were white were forceing them to be something there were not. This eassy was very intresting and expalin every thing in a very good way. My favorite part of this eassywas the information given of the "Ghost Dance" . How it could this decribed this ritual in a very oderly and very detial way. I really love it!!!

Angel's ( " Native Americans abuse" ): His eassy talk about different tribes and how they were treated. This eassy has a lot information of the different tribes and how they were treated. That was the most impresive thing and my favorite thing of this eassy.

Paulette's (" No to assimilation" ):  Her eassy is about how the indians didi not want to assmilated to waht the whites wanted for them to be. One of the thing that she mention was hte ghost dance and the way the indinas rebeld against the white. I like how inforamative and intrewting the eassy is . Is a eassy thta will love to read it all over again.

jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011

How the whites in a way were trying to exticnt the Native Americans

During this time in history class I have been learning about the native americans and thier life. This topic had intrested me in many ways. In my opinion the white wanted to extict the native americans. So me events for this thesis maybe supported is the massacared in sand creek, the sickenees  in all reservations and the farming in the reservations.

The massacared of sand creek was one of the horrible massacred in the indians reservation. 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho indians were killed. They killed old men, women, children and babies and most of the men were away hunting.One of the man lewading this attack was colonel John M. Chivintong. He was a former methodist preacher knonw as the 'figthing parson". This was cruel event that the white did to the indians. What kind of example did the parson gave to those indians? It was unfair to  those people they are human beings like us. That they have different colored skin, different form of life or different culture does not mean that are different.

In every reservations there was a epedemic of diseases that was killing the indians. Most of this diseases thta were common were diabetes, heart conditions, tuberculosis and cancer. Most of the people that were dying were mostly children. There no even space to do the holy burrial. This were the only causes whhy many indians were dying. Many were dying to becauses of other diseases like depression, alcholism and sucieds. Many were not adapted to that form of life. This was a life that in way was going against there culture. They suffered  becuase they were treated and obligted to live in way that was not there life.

The farming was another way the americnas wanted to get the indians to adapted and obligate them to do. Many of the indinas aware them that the harvest was no going to be very productive because they knew there land and those land were fertile to grows crops. One of the tribe that farmed were the cherookee. Most hunt thta was the way of them of getting food and they survived, but them they could only do it as if it was a show so every one cn wach. the haverest crops were corn, beans, squash, and sunflower. Sometime those crop did not grow and they starved and died. This why I belived that the white were cruek and sefish people. Knowing people were dying in there hand and did not do nothing about it.

My opinion is that the white were trying in a way of extinct the Native Americans. They knew that many were dying and did not care. They knew that many were becoming alcoholic and did not care. I will feel very bad and guilty knowing that many people were dying in my hands. This was a cruel thing and very racist thing to do.