martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

My surprise sweet 16 !!!!!

My Surprise sweet 16!!! That was a great day. It was so hard for me becuase I though everyone forgot My birthday. Iwas so mad. This picture was when i enetered at my home and saw everybody here i was surprise thta i saw people there that lie to me i was soo mad with them but it was worth it.
Here is when everyone started to sign to me happy birthday!!!! I was so happy!!! They trick me by telling me that at friend at church was taking me to eat and taking me to marshall to walk. I had heels and my feet were killing me, nut agian it was worth it.

My birthday cake the best and very yummy!!! and it was made in guayama.
I realy loved it very much it was me!!!!1

Here with my face cover on frosting!!! Yummy!!! I was eatable!!!!1 This day was one more of the good day of my 16 birthday that i give God thanks for keeping me alive more day. I had a lot of fun and started hiting everybody thta lie to me, but they no that they still love them.

Another of the best birthday present that I got was the special one from my only love and my sweet boyfriend GUS.He my only love in this wolrd : i love him some much. He gave a big hug and little speech teling me how much he loved and thanking me for beeing his friend and no matter even if he is going to graduate he was giong to be with me no matter what. In good and bad. That was the best gift that i ever had.

Thank u  bby I will always be there for you. Your my everything .I love u with all my heart.
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