jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

My Family Imigration Blog # 4

 This is my mother side of the family. My family came from spain. My great great granfather came in one of the boats that came from spain. He met my great great grandmother here in Puerto Rico. It was love at first sight. Then came my my great grandfather and marry my great grandmother they were from here.My family have not much history, but are my life. My grandfather imigrated with my grandmother the time when the puertirricans started imigraitng to the states. My mom was part of that becuase she was born there and live there for a little while she then came to Puerto Rico.

My Father side of the family they did not came from any where far. There are decensent from Puerto Rico. My dad family is from Peñuelas here from P.R. My great grandmother is from Peñuelas as the same for my great grandfather. My grandmohter lived some time in Peñuela but moved to Ponce were my grandfather is from. My father had lived all his live in Ponce and in Puerto Rico. I am from there too I am proud of It . We called our self  "Ponceños".

This my family imigration history.

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