jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

The Imigration of Hispanic People Blog #3

This video is talking about the law that the governer form arizona had aprove. This law is about any hispanic that is in arizona can be detenied at any time if they see they are hispanic. This video shows too a hispanic person that aprove of the law. He says that is a good thing becuase that helps othe hispanic no to go and pass  the border. Also a women told her opinion about the law. She is hispanic and republican. She is opposed of the law. She expresed that many of the republicnas thta vote are hispanic and htat way many presidents and governers are their.

I believe that the law enforced in arizona is un fair to all hispanic people. Many of them just want a better life for thier famiy and them. In  a way I know how they feel. This is a racist thing to do in many ways. As in the videos says it could in the future affect many of the officials elected. I was impresed with the hispanic person that talk and said that he was in favor of the law. It made me feel as a betral to all hispanic people.

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