miércoles, 23 de febrero de 2011

My New Life In America. Blog #2

January 12, 1899
It has been a hard life and ruff.  In my family my mother , father and me worked and still do not have money for me and my family. I am a 14 year old girl that live with my grandparents, my parents, and 6 more sisters and brothers. With helping my family and working I do not the opourtunity of having to go to school. My father later that nigth to tal to us telling us that he had made the decision of going to America but he was going first and then he will send for us. I am really  excited for  going to america. I heard so much about that i dream of it. I can wait!!!!

May 11, 1899

Father has been gone now for almost 2 3 month now and been sending us letter from america. He saids the next month he will send for us. Father comes and visit like 2 time a year and that is very dificult for us that we do not have him around and miss so much. I am so excited that in 1 month I wiil have the opportunity ti see him again all the time. I am ready to go!!!

 June 13,1899
We are in our way to Hong Kong. From thier we take a boat to get to america. I am excited to see my father and to being school. They are many people around geting ready to go to america. Many people too are sick and mother told me to be careful with those people becuase I could very sick and be dangerous. I am tired and i want to get already thier i thought it was 1 month, but it wil take longer than that. I can stand any more this boat.

August 9,1899

I am arrived to america. This was such an excitiment to get here and see my father wating for us. When we got to the house we saw it was much bigger than the one we had in china. I started school that day and boy!!! I was soo happy. I began to see that some people thta live in america did not like us very much, but  did not pay many attetion. When i got home i saw so many thing to eat and the stuff father was buying for with the money he had saved that me and my brother and sister were soo happy. I was already in ove with america!!!!

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