viernes, 3 de junio de 2011

A week full of many emotions!!!!

This week me boyfriend Gus left the country to dominacan republic. It was hard for to see him leave for a whole week. This was a week of many thinkng and felings. Is was though week nowing that the only way possible to comunicate was trouhg text and from an especifc time and that was very heart braking for me becuase i now i can't live with out him. This will help our realtion to value it more thab ever nowing that we can't be together vey often as many couples doo and trust me is very depresing!!!! Many people thet distance is not a way for breaking up,but to value the relationship and grow more the love & it is true, but it could also hurt you sometime and feel as if you were alone. Thank God he is coming home tomorrow. I so exiceted tO see him and just kiss him and hug him. I have learned wihtout him i can't in a way that to him he means everytihng to me and wiht out his strengthe and careness to me is very hard. Bby i do love u with all my heart and will always do love u even if you are far or even close. T amooo mi amor ere el amor d mI vida!!! ( this means the that i love u and he the love of my life and he really is !!!!

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

My dream had come true!!!

All my life I have dreaming of finding the boy of my dreams and dreaming of if I get married it will be with the same guy I fall in love. To many this a chance of 1 in a million,but to me is not impossible. 3 year ago I met a guy that I always dreams of becoming my boyfiend and did not have the nerve to talk to him telling how I felt.One day my friend is talking to me and the boy that I was crushing on him was coming my way ,I was so nervous,and stand preselily in were my friend and me were siting. She new I was nervous and She did not care presented him to me. From that day on we became very good friend. We grew so much together and our friendship too. Our trust was the most that grew that could everything with him. The only thing that was missing was to him and me will move to the next step that both were waiting for,but with the sacre that our friendship and trust will brake we did not move. That kept going on for 3 years and me with the hope that one day that will happen. And it came on winter brake. Everyday I called him and never stop.everytime he had an execuse not to talk to him,because he didn't want to see the reality that him was fall in ove with me. He saw me in Sam's one day and told me that was the day everything change for him. We kept on talking,but I did not told him nothing because I knew and he did too. He waited until the first day back to school but I did not went to school that day a he couldn't hold it anymore so he called and told everything he was felling for me . So we started talking and on 14th of feburary he asked me to be his girlfriend . I was so happy because the I never thoug he will be with me. Today I am the happiest girl alive and everyday I wake and I am so faithful to have him by me side. I love him so much that I culd no be able to live winging him. I want to tell him that evedo we fifth sometime I love him and I will keep fighting for him even do my parents do not what him with him, but I love Himm. He is and will be me everything and no Matter what bby ILOVE U!!!!!

miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

My top 10

Paulette's proposal: Senior citizens rigths:  This is about how Senior citizens are to protected and be careful. My favorite proposal it had all details and had the all so well explain and so easy to read.

Arshad's proposal:   Muslim's  rights :this show not to judge every one for other of the same actions. I liked very much and  is a very convincing proposal.

Mykaella's proposal:  Gay rights : is a very convincing proposal and I respect their decision  and do not judge them but I do not in favor of what they do.

Nelsharry's proposal: Disabilities rights it was good but a i think she show have explain more and convince more .

Albert's proposal:  Native Americans rights: is was about they had all the same rights as americans. This was a very convincing proposal and i did like very much.

Stephanie's proposal:  women rights:  i like very one i learned about the rights  as a women and the ability of as a have a right as a women.

Hector P. proposal: voting rights: this proposal is will benefit very much as teenagers.

Celimar's proposal: immigrants rights: this is part benefits us Puerto Ricans as us.

Andy's proposal: catholics rights: this help in a way people who are very religious in the catholic system. It a very  good proposal and learn not to decriminalization.

lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

My proposal

The civil rights in Puerto Rico have changed throughout the years, some more important than others but however important for the constitution. Since past years, Puerto Rico's major problem in the constitution has been the establishment of laws and a good government. Not only in the laws or government, but also in the economy and rights of the people, which sometimes are questioned. My proposal is to create a new amendment  for th rigth for people have the authority of taking of the power to any governer or official that is not doing any progress or any changes in the isalnd. I will not tolarate the idea that they keep so calm and so many people suffring and with out jobs. my perposition tu you is to  stand up for our island  to have great leaders leading our country and having the dignity and the sensitivity of looking  out for us. Giving us choices of having the possibility of  succes, of having the responsibility,  to feel  safe againg and be able to put our trust againg in thier hands. Give me your support of having againg our Puerto Rico back. This is a figth that we need to figth for our own good. This is our home and we could not let people come and destroy it.


Here in the island of Puerto Rico did had many changes according to the government and power.  One of the first changes made was in 1964 when Muñoz Marin decided he will not run for governor again. In 1996 was another change that happed in the island. This change was the loss of the Section 936 status. This made that companies that already open will retain the exemption until 2005. This cause for government companies were to be sold to encourage US business advantages.

In 2006, many of the government shut down all school and government offices  during two weeks because of the lack of fundings.  Almost half of th males wer curntly without jobs and the island strugle to borrow money.

Today is no much better than before. Still today there ar still dificult to find jobs for both men and women. vn the politic failed and many congressmen and people that from th senate are corrupts people. This a time verry hard when now a day people just do not trust any one in this island. Many people need are still unemployed thank you to the goverment that fired hundres and hungres of people many day. For me this is shame thing to said becuase i live here but is th truth.

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle & Activism of the National Congress for Puerto Ricans Rights

The National Congress for Puerto Ricans Rights is a very peaceful protest group. This group was mostly attack by the police.This did fight back but in a peaceful way. They were the ones organizing pareds and groups of protest. They were not only Puerto Ricans, but any kind of latinos including korean and other type of culture and races.

The first Racial Justice Day was organized by the National Congress of Puerto Rican Rights to galvanize the community against this example of increased racist violence.  One form of protest was the Racial Justice Day. On the day June 3, 1999 it was the celebaration of the anual parade made. That year the theme was the Voice of the Forgotten this was in rememberence of all that had died and suffer brutality by the police.

I will mentioned some of the people killed by police brutality:

1994: The cops killed Anthony Baez, Nicholas Heyward, Shu'ab Abdul Latif, and Felix Junior Jorge.

1995: Anibal Carrasquillo, Yong Xin Huang, Anthony Rosario and Hilton Vega.

1996: Maria Rivas, Lionard Lawton, Frankie Arzuaga and Jose Santos

1997: Librado Sanchez, Donald Donaldson, Deonarime Matan, Reginald Bannerman, William Whitfield, Robert Rey noso and Juval Green. Abner Louima was tortured.

1998 and 1999: Luciano Lazcano and Amadou Diallo were killed. Family members of the young transsexual woman Jolea Lamot--including Nancy Lamot, Ricardo Perez and John Baez, a relative of Anthony Baez--were beaten by cops.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Opression of the National Congress for Puerto ricans Rights

 In the states thier is a group form for the puerto ricans rigths called The national congress of puerto ricans rigths. This group was mistreate in so many ways. One of the most ways that this group was mistreated was in policy brutality, racially motivated violence and criminal justice issues. This affected many young people as propotionate as incarceration and lacks of alternatives to incarceration.

They were mistreated becase they were not tha same raco as the white. There was case with the Mayi family were the police investiagted the murder of latinos kids. The police department  failed to do a vigorous investigation, Because it was white kids killing  Latino kid in Queens, it didn’t have the same cache as if it were reversed. This are the reason why we do not want to be that way. They only see that we can learn only with force. We are people just like every one else.

One of the laws or constitution is the one of freedom of speech. This is the most violeated by the oficials by keeping them no be able  to speek what they think. This was a cruel and uppseting thing to do. Is un constitutional. Many do no see in the sates that they are breaking the sames laws or contitution made by there own nation and we that were not born follow it and the just viloted.