martes, 12 de abril de 2011

Struggle & Activism of the National Congress for Puerto Ricans Rights

The National Congress for Puerto Ricans Rights is a very peaceful protest group. This group was mostly attack by the police.This did fight back but in a peaceful way. They were the ones organizing pareds and groups of protest. They were not only Puerto Ricans, but any kind of latinos including korean and other type of culture and races.

The first Racial Justice Day was organized by the National Congress of Puerto Rican Rights to galvanize the community against this example of increased racist violence.  One form of protest was the Racial Justice Day. On the day June 3, 1999 it was the celebaration of the anual parade made. That year the theme was the Voice of the Forgotten this was in rememberence of all that had died and suffer brutality by the police.

I will mentioned some of the people killed by police brutality:

1994: The cops killed Anthony Baez, Nicholas Heyward, Shu'ab Abdul Latif, and Felix Junior Jorge.

1995: Anibal Carrasquillo, Yong Xin Huang, Anthony Rosario and Hilton Vega.

1996: Maria Rivas, Lionard Lawton, Frankie Arzuaga and Jose Santos

1997: Librado Sanchez, Donald Donaldson, Deonarime Matan, Reginald Bannerman, William Whitfield, Robert Rey noso and Juval Green. Abner Louima was tortured.

1998 and 1999: Luciano Lazcano and Amadou Diallo were killed. Family members of the young transsexual woman Jolea Lamot--including Nancy Lamot, Ricardo Perez and John Baez, a relative of Anthony Baez--were beaten by cops.

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