lunes, 18 de abril de 2011

My proposal

The civil rights in Puerto Rico have changed throughout the years, some more important than others but however important for the constitution. Since past years, Puerto Rico's major problem in the constitution has been the establishment of laws and a good government. Not only in the laws or government, but also in the economy and rights of the people, which sometimes are questioned. My proposal is to create a new amendment  for th rigth for people have the authority of taking of the power to any governer or official that is not doing any progress or any changes in the isalnd. I will not tolarate the idea that they keep so calm and so many people suffring and with out jobs. my perposition tu you is to  stand up for our island  to have great leaders leading our country and having the dignity and the sensitivity of looking  out for us. Giving us choices of having the possibility of  succes, of having the responsibility,  to feel  safe againg and be able to put our trust againg in thier hands. Give me your support of having againg our Puerto Rico back. This is a figth that we need to figth for our own good. This is our home and we could not let people come and destroy it.

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