lunes, 11 de abril de 2011

Opression of the National Congress for Puerto ricans Rights

 In the states thier is a group form for the puerto ricans rigths called The national congress of puerto ricans rigths. This group was mistreate in so many ways. One of the most ways that this group was mistreated was in policy brutality, racially motivated violence and criminal justice issues. This affected many young people as propotionate as incarceration and lacks of alternatives to incarceration.

They were mistreated becase they were not tha same raco as the white. There was case with the Mayi family were the police investiagted the murder of latinos kids. The police department  failed to do a vigorous investigation, Because it was white kids killing  Latino kid in Queens, it didn’t have the same cache as if it were reversed. This are the reason why we do not want to be that way. They only see that we can learn only with force. We are people just like every one else.

One of the laws or constitution is the one of freedom of speech. This is the most violeated by the oficials by keeping them no be able  to speek what they think. This was a cruel and uppseting thing to do. Is un constitutional. Many do no see in the sates that they are breaking the sames laws or contitution made by there own nation and we that were not born follow it and the just viloted.

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