lunes, 18 de abril de 2011


Here in the island of Puerto Rico did had many changes according to the government and power.  One of the first changes made was in 1964 when Muñoz Marin decided he will not run for governor again. In 1996 was another change that happed in the island. This change was the loss of the Section 936 status. This made that companies that already open will retain the exemption until 2005. This cause for government companies were to be sold to encourage US business advantages.

In 2006, many of the government shut down all school and government offices  during two weeks because of the lack of fundings.  Almost half of th males wer curntly without jobs and the island strugle to borrow money.

Today is no much better than before. Still today there ar still dificult to find jobs for both men and women. vn the politic failed and many congressmen and people that from th senate are corrupts people. This a time verry hard when now a day people just do not trust any one in this island. Many people need are still unemployed thank you to the goverment that fired hundres and hungres of people many day. For me this is shame thing to said becuase i live here but is th truth.

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