miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

My top 10

Paulette's proposal: Senior citizens rigths:  This is about how Senior citizens are to protected and be careful. My favorite proposal it had all details and had the all so well explain and so easy to read.

Arshad's proposal:   Muslim's  rights :this show not to judge every one for other of the same actions. I liked very much and  is a very convincing proposal.

Mykaella's proposal:  Gay rights : is a very convincing proposal and I respect their decision  and do not judge them but I do not in favor of what they do.

Nelsharry's proposal: Disabilities rights it was good but a i think she show have explain more and convince more .

Albert's proposal:  Native Americans rights: is was about they had all the same rights as americans. This was a very convincing proposal and i did like very much.

Stephanie's proposal:  women rights:  i like very one i learned about the rights  as a women and the ability of as a have a right as a women.

Hector P. proposal: voting rights: this proposal is will benefit very much as teenagers.

Celimar's proposal: immigrants rights: this is part benefits us Puerto Ricans as us.

Andy's proposal: catholics rights: this help in a way people who are very religious in the catholic system. It a very  good proposal and learn not to decriminalization.

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