martes, 5 de abril de 2011

History of the Puertorricans rights

The groups of the puertorricans' rights in the US was founded in 1981 in New York City's South Bronx. One of this group is called the national congress for Puerto Ricans Rights. This group was form dedicated to securing full equality and an end to discri-mination against Puerto Ricans. This organization is best know for against environmental racism, police abuse, racially motivated violence, and other forms of discrimination.

Some of the founders for this group were numbers of Young Lords Party. This organizaction took during the time preiod of 1960s' - 1970s'. Most of this group is form by young latinos and latinas persons. Many of thier concenred s are about the politics in the US and the socia beings of thier neighborhoods and the safety of thier families and friends.

They avocated fr the human and civil rights the puerto ricans. They also had addressed some gender equality for the latinas (girls) and the specific political and envioremetn issue here in Puerto Rico. This orgnization affiliated organizations and local groups by bringing citywide and national support to their local efforts. They also educate and comunicate members and the community about the conditions affecting the Puerto Rican and Latino and Latina community and ways to improve them.This is the organization that looks aout for the rigths that every puerto rican such as latinos as the same for latinas.

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